You are overpaying for clean energy that belongs to the U.S.

The United States government estimates that due to the Canadian Entitlement, U.S. electric consumers are overpaying relative to the benefits of the Columbia River Treaty by about $300 million per year.


What is the Columbia River Treaty?

The Columbia River is the fourth largest river in North America. In 1964, the Columbia River Treaty was enacted between the U.S. and Canada for the mutual development of the Columbia River power and flood control systems.

Who is the Columbia Treaty Power Group?

The Columbia River Treaty Power Group is advocating for a fair and equitable outcome of a modernized treaty on behalf of electric customers throughout the Northwest.

Agreement in Principle Announced

On July 11, 2024, The Biden Administration and the Canadian government announced an Agreement in Principle for the Canadian Treaty. See the Power Group's Response to the long-awaited announcement.


Recent News

Columbia River Treaty Power Group Response to the Agreement in Principle
Portland, Oregon- Today’s announcement of an Agreement in Principle (AIP) from both the BidenAdministration and the Canadian government for the […]
As Another Year Ends, the Region Continues to Wait…
December 13, 2023, marks the 10th anniversary since the Regional Recommendation was forwarded to the State Department by the U.S. […]
Revisiting the Columbia River Treaty
In 1961, the United States and Canada agreed to jointly develop and operate dams on the Columbia River for flood […]


Learn more


the Columbia River Treaty


American Hydropower to Meet Carbon, Clean Energy Goals


Flood Control and the Columbia River Treaty


Coordinated Operations to Meet Carbon Reduction Goals

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